Stress. There is just so much of it and it’s taking a toll on our mental and physical health. Especially right now, with everything going on in our uncertain world, self-care is so essential. On my Instagram I try to post about self-care every Sunday (all the posts are saved to my story highlights if you’d like to see), so I thought I’d also share some self-care tips here.
1. Listen to your body
Our bodies are always telling us something, but unfortunately many of us have grown up not listening to the body’s cues. Does your jaw feel tight? Unclench. Are you holding your shoulders up towards your ears? Roll them and gently release them down. Learning to listen to your body takes time and practice, so don’t worry if you’re not sure what it is your body needs in this moment. Some deep belly breaths and a glass of water are always a good place to start!
2. Give yourself time to just be
Humans aren’t meant to be constantly doing. Give yourself permission to just do nothing for awhile, whether it’s 20 minutes or a whole afternoon. Maybe this will look like a picturesque moment with a cup of coffee, a lit candle, and a good book. Or maybe it will be just flopping down on the couch at the end of a long day. Let’s not bring perfectionism to self-care; it doesn’t have to be Instagrammable!
3. Say “no”
Every time you say “yes” to something, you’re also saying “no” to something else. When you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, ask yourself: what can I say no to so I can say yes to self-care? I know I can get very rigid when it comes to keeping our home tidy, and while I love my space to look neat and clean, sometimes self-care for me is saying no to vacuuming and yes to rest.
4. Lower your expectations
This can include your expectations of yourself, others, or an event. For me, when I find myself with high expectations (which, let’s be real, is most of the time), I start worrying about whether or not my expectations will be met. Then I’ll end up stressing myself out as I try to control everything in order to make sure life lives up to my expectations. Lowering the bar is easier said than done, but it brings peace, allows for flexibility, and you might be pleasantly surprised by how well something goes!
5. Slow down
Stress can make us move through life at break neck speeds, but that’s neither healthy nor efficient. When I rush through my day, I end up feeling anxious, drained, and less focused. So slow down and resist the urge to try to do 83 things at once. If not everything gets done, that’s okay! Your worth as a person is not determined by your productivity.
6. Add joy where you can
It’s often the little things that bring us the most joy, so try to consciously sprinkle those things throughout your day. Have a yummy breakfast, wear an outfit you love, cuddle with your pet/partner/child, go outside, take a moment to notice the beauty around you. Whatever it is that brings you joy, do more of that.

I really struggle with giving myself time to just be and not force myself into doing one of the 100 things that always need to get done. I need to work on that more for sure!
Yes, definitely still struggling with this too. It’s so important to just be, but it’s hard to go against the messaging that we’re supposed to be constantly productive!