Pixi Toner Review & How To Use Them

Toners are one of those skincare products that I think a lot of people are skeptical about. What are they for? Do I even need a toner? Personally, I love toners and feel like they’ve made a big difference in my skin’s texture and brightness. So I thought I’d share a review of my favorite Pixi toner trio and how they fit into my skincare routine!

pixi glow tonic review

In the morning, I like to alternate between the Glow and Vitamin-C toners. I’ve been using the Pixi Glow Tonic for years, and it’s a staple in my skincare routine. It really helps clear out my pores, and manages my skin’s oiliness.

The Pixi Vitamin-C Tonic is a newer fave (been using for a few months) and I love how much brighter and even my skin looks! It’s a visible difference, and honestly I’m so impressed!

At night, I use the Pixi Retinol Tonic – it’s important to only use retinol at night, as it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun. I find it’s really helped smooth my skin texture and got rid of some pesky bumps I had on my chin. If you’re just starting out with retinol or have sensitive skin, I’d recommend this toner since it’s so gentle.

I use all of these toners with a cotton round, after cleansing and before serums & creams. As a rule, you want to use your skincare products in order from thinnest to thickest! I hope you found my Pixi toner review helpful!

Shop Pixi Toners

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